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Video: Walmart Luminate Customer Perception overview

Gain unprecedented first-party insights sourced straight from the verified shoppers of our Walmart Customer Spark Community

Move beyond traditional primary research practices and into ongoing customer conversations

Walmart Luminate Customer Perception gives you easy access to feedback from the engaged, verified shoppers in our Walmart Customer Spark Community—so you can ask the right questions to just the right audiences. Hyper-target across hundreds of variables down to the UPC level so you can test new ideas, packaging designs, price elasticity, marketing messages, and more. Best of all, you don’t have to be a market researcher to benefit from this research tool. Our proprietary question database, helpful templates, expert survey review, and simple results analysis make it easy for anyone to start a conversation. Keep the customer at the center of your decision-making using Walmart Luminate Customer Perception.

About Walmart Luminate

Walmart Luminate is a suite of data products that gives. U.S.-based Merchants and suppliers unprecedented access to rich, aggregated, customer insights that enables smarter, faster decision-making. Within our unique closed-loop data ecosystem, Walmart Luminate uses advanced data science to synthesize data from across the omnichannel path to purchase, allowing suppliers to analyze shopper behavior and channel performance, gather input directly from customers, test new growth strategies, and measure impact. The three products that make up Walmart Luminate – Shopper Behavior, Channel Performance, and Customer Perception – help make the jobs of Merchants and suppliers easier with a single, omni-view of customer habits and needs in a dynamic, user-friendly tool.
