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Case study: Looking back with Walmart shopping basket data

In a product pickle? Read how a Merchant used Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior reports to inform the launch strategy for a new product on the heels of a shortage in the category

With Shopper Behavior’s Performance in Detail Report, the Merchant analyzed Walmart shopping basket data to learn his previous offerings filled a unique niche. These and other unique insights informed the strategy for another successful product launch.

Uncapping the category

In 2019 a Walmart Merchant capitalized on a shortage in pickles with some brand-new products. These new products drew 90% of sales from new customers and the category grew.

Cut to 2021— the same Merchant had another opportunity to expand the same category. Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior let him turn back time to see exactly what happened in 2019, and apply the insights for a new product offering. 

Try, win again

With Shopper Behavior’s Performance in Detail Report, the Merchant discovered how his previous offerings filled a unique niche. These and other unique insights informed the strategy for another successful product launch.

This time he tracked post-launch progress, finding that over 81% of sales* were again from new customers. The same detailed data that validated the past made the future clear. 


*Walmart first-party data, 2022.

Ready to bring this insight into action?

Track performance with clarity and reveal the bigger picture.

These insights were uncovered with powerful reports in Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior:

•       Performance in Detail

•       New Product Evaluation

•       Switching

Reach out to us for a demo on how Shopper Behavior helps to diagnose performance, understand customer behaviors, optimize product ranges, and more.
