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Navigating the new normal: Unlocking success in online pick-up and delivery with strategic insights

Master the art of online pick-up and delivery metrics for enhanced operational performance with Channel Performance Charter

As the pandemic unfolded, many consumers quickly shifted to online shopping. What was initially perceived as a fleeting trend has become the new normal, with customers continuing to value the convenience provided by online pick-up and delivery services. Notably, 54% of Walmart customers reported using online pick-up and delivery services at least once a month. With this shift, you may find yourself having more in-depth discussions with your Merchant about operational metrics like nil picks and pre-subs more often than ever before.

Mastering online pick-up and delivery (OPD) metrics can initially seem as difficult as learning a new language. However, gaining proficiency in this seemingly unfamiliar landscape can equip you with a powerful tool for collaboration with your Merchant —clear insights into which service channels are driving operational performance and opening new avenues for strategic decision-making.

Broaden your view

Pre-sub and nil pick metrics are essential performance metrics that can allow you to measure the frequency at which customers order items that are out of stock or unable to be picked. However, their significance extends far beyond merely tracking lost sales. This unfavorable circumstance triggers a ripple effect that unveils two consequential impacts: for Merchants, it signifies missed revenue opportunities, and for suppliers, it equates to missed opportunities for brand exposure. Each unfulfilled order not only affects immediate sales but also has the potential to influence key factors that drive long-term business prosperity.

Ready to dig-in?

Walmart Luminate Channel Performance Charter provides your brand with the right data and powerful forecasting capabilities that enable you to anticipate market trends, optimize your operations, and run your business at Walmart. Dive into the world of OPD metrics, understand the interchangeability of your items, and engage in meaningful discussions with your Merchant with these quick tips:

  1. Master the language of OPD: Take courses in Walmart Luminate Learn to dive into report recipes and recommendations for interpreting your metric data. Walmart Luminate Charter suppliers have access to a variety of learning courses, including the “Report Builder: OPD Metrics Learning Series” where you'll learn the basics of OPD metrics and how to analyze them for valuable shelf availability insights.

  2. Understand the Interchangeability of your items (post-sub%): Although your influence over post-sub% performance may be limited, it can provide insights into the substitutability of your items. Utilize the Switching report and the Assortment Deep Dive report in Shopper Behavior to gain insights into potential substitutions for your item, customer decision trees, and more.

  3. Engage in insightful discussions about nil pick% performance with your Merchant: It is fundamental to understand the nil pick rates for each of your items during discussions with your Merchant. Communicate the steps you're taking and your proposals to enhance pre-sub% for an overall improvement in nil pick % performance.

See where your sales are coming from with actionable insights into performance across channels. Request a demo of Walmart Luminate to learn how your brand can secure a competitive edge against operational uncertainties. 


*Proprietary First-Party Data, Walmart Customer Spark Community. Walmart Luminate, March 2024.
