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Video: Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior overview

It's all about the basket. Watch how you can power better business decisions with transactional Walmart customer data

Understand the ‘what’ behind the buy with a new breadth of shopper data

In today's competitive retail landscape, it is more important than ever to be customer-centric. This means putting the needs and preferences of customers at the core of all business decisions, from product development and sourcing to marketing and sales. With Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior, you can capture granular shopper behaviors and brand performance trends across channels, stores, baskets, and even UPCs so you can set benchmarks, evaluate brand positioning, and find white space. Watch how access to transactional Walmart customer data can help transform your business in amazing new ways. 

About Walmart Luminate

Walmart Luminate is a suite of data products that gives. U.S.-based Merchants and suppliers unprecedented access to rich, aggregated, customer insights that enables smarter, faster decision-making. Within our unique closed-loop data ecosystem, Walmart Luminate uses advanced data science to synthesize data from across the omnichannel path to purchase, allowing suppliers to analyze shopper behavior and channel performance, gather input directly from customers, test new growth strategies, and measure impact. The three products that make up Walmart Luminate – Shopper Behavior, Channel Performance, and Customer Perception – help make the jobs of Merchants and suppliers easier with a single, omni-view of customer habits and needs in a dynamic, user-friendly tool.
