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Article: Introducing: Walmart Luminate Customer Perception Research Services

Expand your reach with our research expertise

The saying goes, the customer is always right, but when you use Walmart Luminate Customer Perception Research Services, it is also: the customer is always heard. Backed by Walmart first-party shopper data and feedback, our Customer Perception platform is an essential research tool made to bridge suppliers and shoppers to power better business decisions. ​Now we’re making it even more attainable to gain meaningful answers about your brand and products with aid from our expert research team.

A strategic relationship

Running a research project can take time and resources you may not have—or you may just want a second set of eyes on a survey before you launch it. Tap into our research team’s expertise for guidance on best practices or have them assess the relevance of the audience you’re targeting, review stimuli, and check for customer-centric language to avoid bias or other research errors. 

Looking for a little more support? Research Services can fill in the gaps and expand your organization's capabilities with their deep market analysis experience. Our researchers can help as you create and run qualitative and quantitative projects or offer the just-right support you need at any stage of the process. ​The goal is to make things as accessible and low impact as you like while ensuring you achieve the insights your business needs. 

When and where you want it

There’s an art and a science to survey design, and that’s where our experts shine. They can help you decide the right approach, select optimal questions, and fine-tune language. From there they can work with you to adjust your survey’s programming by reordering questions and implementing logic to help improve survey results and insights. They can even help you enhance a past project you’d like to rerun by targeting a new audience or adding follow-up questions.

When you gain answers and crucial context from the right group—with a little help from our research team—you can do things like improve assortment choices, assess switching behaviors, direct campaign messaging, inform product naming, and more with increased confidence. From the initial design stage through project growth, and with you at every step in between, the focus of Research Services stays sharp: Target the right customers with the right questions to reap the most meaningful and actionable insights for your business.

Visit walmartdataventures.com/customer-perception to learn more about Research Services, or check out our eBook guide.
