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Case study: Driving incremental sales with shopping basket analysis

Discover how a supplier used Walmart Luminate to boost basket size in the travel category

A Walmart supplier wanted to pitch an opportunity to drive incremental sales by creating a regimen between Product A and Product B in the same category. Using Shopper Behavior reports, they were able to perform shopping basket analysis of the category customer.

The opportunity

The supplier leverages Walmart Luminate to arm the Merchant with insights to support their regimen plan.

  • Using Shopper Behavior reports, they analyze the category customer
  • Then they layer in market data and their own expertise

The insights

Walmart Luminate reveals:

  • Only ~15% of Product A customers also buy Product B through In Store & OPD channels 
  • The Product B customer is on a distinct mission of Travel / On the Go
  • If only 1% of Product A-only customers bought Product B, there is a potential $29.5M opportunity

The results

The supplier recommends to their Merchant:

  • Launching a full 360 omni campaign that educates customers (in-store sampling event, Walmart Connect media campaign, OPD bag sampling) about the pros of the Product A-Product B-Product A regimen for travel
  • Testing out a special Walmart exclusive 3-pack in a limited set of stores

Potential opportunity identified $29.5M


*Source: Walmart Luminate 1st Party Data: Q3 – Q4, FY ‘22

**Results may vary
