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Case study: Evolving the targeting approach

Using Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior as a brand research tool is a fast and smart way to glean important insights about your business

When one supplier acquired a similar brand in their category, the Merchant wanted to understand any potential overlap. With Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior, they created a holistic approach. Read how this brand research tool revealed an unseen opportunity to succeed.

The opportunity

The supplier and Walmart Connect teams leverage Walmart Luminate to discover insights to share with the Merchant.

  • Using the Shopper Behavior Cross Shop report, they analyze the customer overlap between Product A and Product B within the category– and identify a growth opportunity.

The insights

Walmart Luminate reveals:

  • Together, Product A and Product B account for 5.5Mcustomers in the category
  • Only 5% of customers buy both Product A and Product B
  • Sales and customer growth for Product A lags Product B

The results

Taking a targeted approach:

  • Walmart Luminate insights demonstrate an opportunity to increase unit sales and customers with Product A
  • This is done without stealing customer share from Product B through Walmart Connect investment


*Walmart Luminate first-party data: Q3 – Q4, FY ‘22
