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Black Rifle Coffee Company

They're Hot & Cold, Yes or No? Exploring the Relationship Between Packaged Coffee and Ready-to-Drink Coffee and a Potential Merging Aisle

Black Rifle Coffee Company used Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior and Customer Perception to dive deeper into Ready-to-Drink (RTD) and Packaged Coffee categories to gain insights into their customers, product placement, performance, and learn how to improve customer experience.

Speaker for Black Rifle Coffee Company, Brittney Boatman
About the Speaker
Brittney is an Insights Manager for Black Rifle Coffee, where she helps them continue to disrupt the coffee category in fun, interesting ways. She has been in the wild world of consumer packaged goods for eight years and has held various roles within sales.
Speaker for Walmart, Nick Scutari-Dunn
About the Speaker
Nick is an Associate Merchant at Walmart where he works with suppliers and internal teams to excite and inspire customers in innovative ways. He’s been with Walmart for two years and is grateful and determined to continue to serve and exceed customer expectations every single day.